Ann Eversole Ann Eversole, Ed.D '89

Additional honors/achievements/special recognition:

  • First Director of the now Student Involvement and Leadership Center
  • Distinguished Service Award – National Association of Student Personnel Administrators – Region IV-West
  • Cancer Survivor
How I became interested in my area of study/research/discipline:
I was recruited to the Student Affairs professional by Dr. John R. Webb, a mentor and long time Vice President of Student Affairs at Emporia State University. I was hooked from the first day of my entry level position. If we do it right, we can make a huge difference in students lives through our programs, services and advocacy.

An honor, achievement or accomplishment is most meaningful to me and why:
Because of the nature of the Student Affairs Profession, any recognition by students and peers validates my work. The CLASS Award and NASPA Distinguished Service Award fit this criteria.

Someone I admire:
There are too many to list; however, some of the attributes I admire are strength of conventions, the ability to have relationships with all kinds of people and creating the time to interact with others and most importantly, a sense of humor.

Someone who has been influential or had a significant impact on my life:
There several: David A. Ambler, Caryl K. Smith, Kala M. Stroup, Emily Taylor, John R. Webb – top notch administrators who mentored me, provided countless opportunities and were and are unfailingly supportive, even when I “messed up”. They modeled integrity and when I needed it, provided unconditional approval.

An important life lesson I have learned:
No one gets through life scot-free. Everyone has issues and challenges; how you handle them is what matters.

A favorite quote or saying:
The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.
– Joan Didion

My hopes for the world:
Jim Henson (creator of the Muppets) said it best:
My hope is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here.