Marynell Jones

Marynell Jones

Are there honors/achievements/special recognition you would like to list that are not included above?

What led you to your area of study/field of interest?
I love to read books and find literature an interesting way to look at the history of society and the interactions within it.

What honor, achievement or accomplishment is most meaningful to you? Why?
Being Student Body Vice President is most meaningful to me because the campaign is a long, extensive process, and it was a time where I was able to learn a lot about the students at this university and the issues that they care about. Serving students on many boards and committees and being the voice for students is challenging because of the wide variety of students at KU, but it is also very rewarding to make decisions which impact everyday life at KU.

Who has been influential or had a significant impact on your life? Please elaborate. (Please include individuals at KU as appropriate.)
The most influential people in my life have always been my family. My entire family has always pushed themselves and each other to be the best in whatever field that may be. Because of their hard work, I have their legacy to follow at KU. Their dedication to this University has given me the drive to lead a university to which I would be proud to send future generations.

Why do you believe it is important to recognize women for their accomplishments?
I believe it is important because too often women believe that they cannot accomplish the goals which they set forth because of their gender. By being women who accomplish great things, these women are role models for future women and men.

What is a most favorite/least favorite memory as a student?
I will never forget the spring semester of 2005 and our campaign for Student Senate, and notably the election night. On that evening after the polls had closed, Nick and I and our candidates, supporters, close friends and families waited for the results to be announced over the radio. That night was unforgettable.

What is your definition of success?
Success is accomplishing the goal which you set forth to achieve. To some that maybe a 4.0 GPA, to some that may be finishing college, or being president of an organization, but achieving that goal is one of the most satisfying feelings and the definition of being successful.

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